Laurent Godard at the lemon tree house, Week-end Flateurville-Seville, 2017
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Ciudad Expressionism

How to Cite

Luque Teruel, A., & Iglesias Cumplido, A. (2021). Laurent Godard at the lemon tree house, Week-end Flateurville-Seville, 2017. El Pájaro De Benín, (1), 272–310.
  • Abstract 222
  • DESCARGA PDF (Español (España)) 33


This article raises the presence of the imaginary city of Flateurville in Seville, in 2017. And, with it, a high number of Laurent Godard’s paintings, mostly portraits that represent the imaginary inhabitants of the city. The french painter is characterized by an expressionist approach, solved with techniques of rapid execution, derived from the abstract expressionism of Jackson Pollock. His portratis lived with installations and Works of others artists, as well as with musical performances programmed during a complete weekend.
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