Formal rules for submission of originals



Language: Spanish, Portuguese, English, German, French, German, English or Italian.

Length: 10-30 pages (including graphs, notes and appendices)

Document format: Microsoft Word

Images and graphics: in addition to being included in the appropriate section of the contribution (not at the end), they must be sent in files other than the Word document.

Margins: 2.50 cm (top and bottom) and 3.00 cm (left and right).

Font: Times New Roman, size 12 (footnotes, size 10)

Other aspects: full justification and single line spacing (with one line between paragraphs).

Titles: should be in bold, capital letters and without a full stop at the end, except for the initial title of each contribution, which should be centred in bold and lower case, avoiding titles longer than three lines of typesetting.

Structure (see attached template): title and author's details, abstract and keywords, contents, development of the work under the different headings and conclusions, without including a list of bibliographies at the end of the work.

Numbering of headings: they will be in bold and will follow this scheme

  • I. LEVEL 1
  • A. LEVEL 2
  • 1. LEVEL 3
  • a) LEVEL 4

References to URL addresses: the URL address must be indicated, with an indication of the date on which it was consulted.

Verbatim quotations from authors, rules or court decisions: these should be in normal type (not italics) and in inverted commas.

Citations of judicial doctrine: the references of the corresponding database should be used and, failing that, they should be cited with neutral data that guarantee their location (number of the judgement or appeal).

Bibliographical citations: bibliographical references should be included in footnotes, not in the body of the text or at the end of the text.

  • Books: surname and initial letter of the author's name or name of the responsible entity, title (in italics), publisher, place of publication and year, page.

Sánchez-Rodas Navarro, C.: La aplicación del Derecho Comunitario a las prestaciones especiales no contributivas, Comares, Granada, 1997, p. 123.

  • Book chapters: surname and initial letter of the author's name, title (in inverted commas), surname and initial letter of the name of the director or coordinator of the work or name of the responsible entity (responsibility for the work), title (in italics), publisher, place of publication, year, page.

Sánchez-Rodas Navarro, C.: "La exportación de la Renta Activa de Inserción ¿buena práctica legislativa?", in Ramírez Bendala, M. D. (coord.): Buenas practicas jurídico-procesales para reducir el gasto social (III), Laborum, Murcia, 2015, p. 72.

  • Journal articles:  surname and initial letter of the author's name, title (in inverted commas), full name of the journal (in italics), number, year, page.

Sánchez-Rodas Navarro, C.: "Los divergentes conceptos de asistencia social en el Derecho de la Unión Europea y sus efectos sobre la propuesta de reforma del Reglamento 883/2004", Revista General de Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social, no. 49, 2018, p. 9.

  • If the work has already been cited previously: replace the editorial data with ob. cit.

Sánchez-Rodas Navarro, C.: "Los divergentes conceptos de asistencia social en el Derecho de la Unión Europea y sus efectos sobre la propuesta de reforma del Reglamento 883/2004", ob. cit.