Guidelines for authors

eRIPS does not charge submission fees, nor does it charge publication fees.

  1. As part of the submission process, authors should check the following points before submitting their papers to e-RIPS for evaluation. Papers that do not comply may be returned to their authors.
  2. The manuscript must not have been published or submitted elsewhere for consideration. This fact must be reflected in the manuscript itself.
  3. The submitted file should be in Microsoft Word document file format. Where possible, the URL addresses of references included in the text should be given with an indication of the date they were consulted.
  4. The text should be single-spaced; (Times New Roman 12 point font, and all footnotes, illustrations, figures and tables should be placed within the text at appropriate points, never at the end).
  5. Title: Titles should be no more than three lines of typesetting. Author affiliation: Include department, institution and full address, with postal code for each author.
  6. Author for correspondence: The author's name, full address, telephone number and e-mail address must be provided with the submitted paper.
  7. Keywords: At least three keywords are required for each submission, in Spanish or Portuguese as well as in English (optional in more languages).
  8. The text must comply with the bibliographic and style requirements indicated below in the style guidelines for authors.
  9. As e-REVISTA INTERNACIONAL DE LA PROTECCIÓN SOCIAL is a journal that only publishes papers that pass peer review, authors of manuscripts submitted for publication must ensure that they remain anonymous and refrain from including references that might lead reviewers to know their identity.
  10. Content and periodicity: e-Revista Internacional de la Protección Social publishes research papers on Social Security Law, Social Protection Law and Labour Law. It is published every six months (June and December).
  11. Publication and sections. The publication of papers will be decided by the Director of the Journal, with the participation of the Editorial Board and being advised by the Scientific Committee, based on an external, independent and anonymous evaluation.
  12. The paper may be "accepted", "accepted with modifications" or "rejected". Depending on the nature of the paper, it will be included in the section "Studies", "Comments on Sentences" or in the section "Miscellaneous".
  13. In the case of co-authored papers, the authors must inform the editor of the journal of the criteria chosen to decide the order of signature and the specific contribution made by each of them to the published work. The contribution of each co-author to the final work must in any case be clearly specified in the text of the article in a footnote.
  14. Authors should avoid using sexist language, opting whenever possible for neutral terminology.
  15. Authors should indicate the funding agency(ies) and the code(s) of the project(s) under which the research leading to the publication was carried out.