The RED Mechanism as the paradigm of European support for job creation in Spain




Work, Employment, Flexibility, Labor relations


The UE for its member states contributes to the protection and reactivation of employment in times of crisis or economic reconversion through funds, and an example of the destination of these is the so-called Spanish “RED Mechanism”, a measure that, using resources from The Union, was designed after the upheaval caused in the framework of labor relations by the pandemic

caused by COVID-19. This Mechanism provides a novelty that the measures implementable through it have transcended from specific business situations to the general one. based on a “more generalized situation, in the scope of a productive sector of the entire economic activity.” According to what has been expressed and despite the fact that the decision to activate this aid mechanism is already attributed exclusively to the Council of Ministers, an important and direct participation of social agents and greater legislative development are also necessary.


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How to Cite

Martínez Mateo, C. J. (2024). The RED Mechanism as the paradigm of European support for job creation in Spain. E-International Review on Social Protection, 9(2), 45–64.
Received 2024-10-30
Accepted 2024-12-11
Published 2024-12-27
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