Legal status of teleworking. Commentary on the Judgment of the Supreme Court, Social Chamber, of 19 September 2023 (rec. 260/2021)




Teleworking, Parity with face-to-face work, Collective regulation, Reversibility, Incidents


Motivated by emergency legislation, in particular Royal Decree-law 8/2020 on extraordinary urgent measures to deal with the economic and social impact of ‘Covid-19’ and Royal Decree-law 28/2020 on teleworking, the judgement in question carries out an interesting study based on its central conflict, which consists of a different treatment by the company of its workers with regard to the calculation of time without productive activity, due to disconnections that prevent the provision of services, which is an incident attributable to the supplying company. The same contentious issue arises with regard

to the calculation of time to attend to the physiological needs of the workers, which can be excluded from the rest of the rest breaks and can be calculated independently. The claimant trade union filed a collective dispute claim against the company, claiming as ‘working time’ the duly accredited supply interruption, as well as autonomous breaks and effective working time that can be taken into account in cases of physiological needs.


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How to Cite

Carmona Pozas, F. (2024). Legal status of teleworking. Commentary on the Judgment of the Supreme Court, Social Chamber, of 19 September 2023 (rec. 260/2021). E-International Review on Social Protection, 9(1), 153–165.



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