“Non-standard” work in Germany: self-employed and “mini-jobs”





German Social Security System, Self-employed, Mini-jobs, Precarity, Non-standard workers


The paper discusses two forms of “non-standard” work in Germany: self-employment and the so-called “Mini-Jobs”. While in the majority of EU countries the self-employed are systematically covered by social security schemes, compulsory social insurance in Germany is limited only to a few special groups of the self-employed. Another German “peculiarity” are the “mini-jobs”, which are treated differently than “regular jobs” under tax and social law. The paper first gives a brief overview of the German social security system, before discussing the social security situation of self-employed in Germany. Then, the so-called “Mini-Jobs” and their European dimension are described and discussed.


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Author Biography

Stamatia Devetzi, Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas de Fulda (Alemania)

Professor of Social Security Law


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How to Cite

Devetzi, S. (2023). “Non-standard” work in Germany: self-employed and “mini-jobs”. E-International Review on Social Protection, 147–158. https://doi.org/10.12795/e-RIPS.2023.mon.09
Received 2023-10-23
Accepted 2023-12-05
Published 2023-12-28
  • Abstract 60
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