The crack of a positive scenario for workplace health: nanotechnologies, productivity and workability
Nanotechnologies , Productivity, WorkabilityAbstract
The study is driven by the challenge of investigating the modern concerns of the world of work. To this end, in addition to dedicating special attention to productive work, an attempt is made to verify whether within this framework nanotechnologies can help the toil, not neglecting the details that involve the concern (which one must have and maintain) with health. This time, we aim to answer the following question: How can the use of nanotechnologies encourage labor productivity without violating the right to health guaranteed by the 1998 Citizen Constitution? The research will follow the hypothetical-deductive method of approach, due to the way in which it is intended to compare its answer, experiencing nanotechnologies in a labor scenario, building probable conjectures to the problem and launching new possibilities. The procedures will be historical-typological-functionalist, considering that reflection will be done in a theoretical-chronological overview and subsequent conclusions in the face of (new) social compositions. Handling existing bibliographic materials in qualitative research, the interpretation that is intended to be investigated is sociological, judging by the modern social scenario and future prospects for the work supported by increments in nanodimensions. Finally, it is concluded that, if the work exercise is joined by the precautionary principle when handling products on a nanotechnological scale, the health of the worker will be safeguarded, as well as the development of his productivity will be possible if, in parallel, incentives are given. its workability.
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Accepted 2023-10-10
Published 2023-12-27
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