The scope of the protective action of the Spanish Social Security for Moroccans in a legal and illegal situation in national territory




Social Security, Bilateral agreement, Spain, Morocco, Immigrants


The relations of Spain, as a member of the European Union, with other non-community countries, especially with Morocco, determine a series of specialties in the application of our Social Security System that have different amplitudes depending on the status of legal resident or illegal in Spain of non-EU citizens, in our case, of Moroccan citizens, which implies that they have a series of rights in relation to the benefits that are included within the protective action of the Public Social Security System that they have different intensity in one or the other case of legal or illegal residence, although in certain benefits, such as health care, we are faced with almost full equality of benefit situations, in any case, it is transcendental to specify the right of each beneficiary subject and the scope of the right at the time of having to exercise it.


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Author Biography

Carlos García-Giralda Casas, Single Social Court of Melilla

Race Judge


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How to Cite

García-Giralda Casas, C. (2022). The scope of the protective action of the Spanish Social Security for Moroccans in a legal and illegal situation in national territory. E-International Review on Social Protection, 7(2), 146–158.



Received 2022-10-25
Accepted 2022-12-13
Published 2022-12-30
  • Abstract 153
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