Disability and inclusion of persons with autism spectrum disability –example of Tetouan–





Disability, People with PSD, Legal capacity, Functional capacity, Inclusion in society


The condition of Persons in the Situation of Disability (PSD) due to mental, physical or visual deficiency, whether permanent or temporary, is pertinent. For this reason, the article studies this topic to highlight its dimensions and the suffering of these persons. It also discusses the social situation of these persons and their capacity for inclusion based on Functional Capacity. The theme of “Autism” has been chosen to be able to narrow down the scope of this inquiry. To conduct this research, the historical method has been adopted to study the development of the term “Disability”, as well as the analytical and critical method to study the social behavior of this group and the legal texts related to it. The study stresses the need for paying attention to the words used to describe PSD. Also, as their right to social inclusion and their enjoyment of the Functional Capacity in the presence of a supportive decision.


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Author Biography

Mekki Klaina, Abdelmalek Saadi University

Professor of Islamic Studies and Director of scientific and external relations


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How to Cite

Klaina, M. . (2022). Disability and inclusion of persons with autism spectrum disability –example of Tetouan–. E-International Review on Social Protection, 7(2), 243–259. https://doi.org/10.12795/e-RIPS.2022.i02.15



Received 2022-08-04
Accepted 2022-12-12
Published 2022-12-30
  • Abstract 71
  • PDF 61
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