History and scope of social human rights for irregular migrants
Education, Human rights, International Social Security Law, Migration, Social SecurityAbstract
One of the main questions regarding human rights of migrants with an irregular migratory status is whether or not they are entitled to the benefits of social rights, which are part of the human rights. The question arises because in addition to being foreigners, those migrants have an irregular migratory status and, in most cases, states decide first to guarantee these rights for the state’s national population before attending migrants with an irregular migratory status. This article shows how international human rights laws, as they evolved, have managed to avoid exclusion based on the migration status. However, domestic administrative regulations are not always in line with international laws. To reach this conclusion, the study starts with the analysis of the historical evolution of human rights in the American continent, the international instruments of ILO and UN and finally, the study of the protection of the social human rights of irregular migrants in Mexico.
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Accepted 2022-11-20
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