Comparative study of the regulatory treatment of the suspension of the employment contract due to situations of force majeure, for technical, productive and criminal economic reasons: notes to the Spanish and Colombian internal regime




Suspension, Worker, Employer, Contract, Obligation


The employment relationship is subject to certain vicissitudes that may cause the termination of the employment contract, but in practice they only cause the suspension of bilateral obligations to keep the contract in force. Once these vicissitudes have disappeared, the employment relationship can resume normally. This article is based on a comparative study of the regulation of the three most relevant cases of suspension of the employment contract, that is, due to force majeure, for technical, productive, and criminal economic reasons in the internal regimes of the Kingdom of Spain and the Republic of Colombia. The basic question focuses on how these labor regulations treat those situations in which the worker cannot fulfill his obligation due to a series of vicissitudes such as those described, which marks more the differences than the similarities between Spanish legislation and Colombian legislation.


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Author Biography

Carlos José Martínez Mateo, University of Malaga

Assistant Professor of Labour and Social Security Law


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How to Cite

Martínez Mateo, C. J. (2023). Comparative study of the regulatory treatment of the suspension of the employment contract due to situations of force majeure, for technical, productive and criminal economic reasons: notes to the Spanish and Colombian internal regime. E-International Review on Social Protection, 8(2), 155–168.



Received 2023-09-17
Accepted 2023-10-16
Published 2023-12-27
  • Abstract 57
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