Between algorithms: human gender and artificial one




Algorithms, Artificial intelligence, Human gender, Human being, Digitization, Sociality, Humanity


Artificial intelligence, which has been in development for decades, increasingly supposes a reality that is present in labor relations, in a sectorized way, but at the same time becoming evident in all economic and social reality. For this reason, here we try to address it as an universal phenomenon facing which we try to offer legal regulatory measures, which, to the extent that they respond to the behavior-norm binomial, are inadequate since the development of artificial intelligence requires a focus on the that comes into play, as a third element, the human culture of underlying values. From this point of view, it is intended to draw attention to the fact that artificial intelligence constitutes a phenomenon of enormous philosophical significance and, at the same time, represents one of the best opportunities for the global attempt to understand what it means to be human.


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How to Cite

Márquez Prieto, A. (2022). Between algorithms: human gender and artificial one. E-International Review on Social Protection, 7(1), 30–51.
Received 2022-01-24
Accepted 2022-05-17
Published 2022-06-24
  • Abstract 172
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