Gender biases in the use of artificial intelligence for the management of labour relations: analysis from the anti-discrimination law




Algorithmic biases, Discrimination, Intersectionality, Explicability, Significant human, intervention


The legal analysis of discrimination derived from automated decisions that may have a discriminatory impact requires combining two legal fields: data protection law and anti-discrimination law. The recognized rights of first field are accessory to the nucleus of affectation, and they’re the right of human intervention and, mainly, the explicability of the algorithms, which constitutes a manifestation of the due objective and reasonable justification in case of discriminatory prima facie decisions in order to elude their qualification

as such. But the legal approach to algorithmic discrimination also requires responding to problems of qualifying the biases derived from machine learning as a result of the infinite data inferences that outline people in the context of anti-discrimination law, where they enhance their discriminatory impact, such as discrimination by association or multiple or intersectional discrimination.


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How to Cite

Rivas Vallejo, P. (2022). Gender biases in the use of artificial intelligence for the management of labour relations: analysis from the anti-discrimination law. E-International Review on Social Protection, 7(1), 52–83.
Received 2022-01-07
Accepted 2022-03-17
Published 2022-06-24
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