Impact of AI and robotics on social and health care




Algorithm, Family caregiver, Interoperability, Socio-health robot, Cyber-physical system


In the current socio-sanitary context, aging, the problem of unwanted loneliness, the emerging models of families and coexistence, as well as their impact on the forms of care, contribute a new character of care to the Care System contemplated under an integrative philosophy, of co-responsibility and centered in the person. In this social environment, it is convenient to reaffirm the need to strengthen the System with a new model, where the objective would be set to achieve effective alternatives for care that provide solutions to emerging demands and new job challenges. Innovation is established as the basis of productive systems, but it also refers to the role that globalization plays, work focused on people’s capacities by betting on training, and sustainable and decent work. In line with these issues, the social health care of the future with the impact of AI and robotics could not be less.


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How to Cite

Poyatos Chacón, M. F. (2022). Impact of AI and robotics on social and health care . E-International Review on Social Protection, 7(1), 102–130.
Received 2021-12-22
Accepted 2022-03-09
Published 2022-06-24
  • Abstract 263
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  • HTML (Español (España)) 137