The necessary dignification of the work of non-professional caregivers of dependent people, who do not carry out another profesional activity, in the context of the European Pillar of Social Rights




Non-professional carers, European Pillar of Social Rights, Social coverage


Given that the activity carried out by non-professional caregivers of dependent people is not considered a professional work, with the consequent lack of protection at the socio-labor level, the studyaims to establishthat the European Pillar of Social Rights can serve as a basis to advance in the configuration of a legal frame work that regularizes their situation and places it in the context of “decent” work. Precisely those who do not carry out any other professional activity are thos ewho are in the highest level of vulnerability, and those who demand that specific legislative measures be carried out at the community and state level, currently reduced to isolated actions of the Autonomous Communities or the meager coverage of a Special Agreementwith Social Security. On the other hand, it is necessary to adapt our legal system to the decisions of the Courts that are detecting norms with a discriminatory impact on women who perform carework, or irregularities that only result in the lack of protection of caregivers such as payment of the benefit Dependency care to the dependent person.


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Author Biography

María José Cervilla Garzón, University of Cádiz

Professor of Labor and Social Security Law


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How to Cite

Cervilla Garzón, M. J. (2021). The necessary dignification of the work of non-professional caregivers of dependent people, who do not carry out another profesional activity, in the context of the European Pillar of Social Rights. E-International Review on Social Protection, 6(2), 294–311.



Received 2021-11-04
Accepted 2021-11-22
Published 2021-12-31
  • Abstract 255
  • PDF (Español (España)) 212
  • HTML (Español (España)) 95