The right to healthcare with charge to public funds in Spain of European and British prisoners after Brexit




Healthcare, Social Protection, Prisoners


The aim of this paper is to analyze the right to healthcare with charge to public funds provided to European and British persons imprisoned in Spain so as to show how is Brexit going to affect the incarcerated British population in Spain once the United Kingdom (UK) officially leaves the European Union (EU). For that purpose, we will propose an alternative to the funding of the penitentiary healthcare system by checking on both the rules in force related to the UK’s withdrawal from the EU, and the European Regulations on Coordination of the Social Security Systems, that compound, all in all, a complex regulatory frame that we will have to combine with the latest jurisprudential novelties in Spain.


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Author Biography

Maite Cester Maíllo, University of the Basque Country (UPV / EHU)

Predoctoral Researcher funded by the Basque Government

Department of Business Law and Civil Law


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How to Cite

Cester Maíllo, M. (2021). The right to healthcare with charge to public funds in Spain of European and British prisoners after Brexit. E-International Review on Social Protection, 6(2), 66–78.



Received 2021-10-14
Accepted 2021-11-29
Published 2021-12-31
  • Abstract 188
  • PDF (Español (España)) 66
  • HTML (Español (España)) 63