Working on platform, crowdwork, digital worker, fraternity, ILO.Abstract
Technological innovations allowed us to change forms of communication, ways of creation and ways of working. Concepts such as industry 4.0, sharing economics, gig economy and work platform bring a new productive paradigm that is expressed through digitization. The aim of this study is to identify to what extent the ILO Constitution is current in the present scenario and if it is a vector of worker protection in the fraternity paradigm in the world of work. It is concluded that International Law, in the figure of the ILO Constitution, amended in 2019 by the Centennial Declaration, is a guideline for the normative protection of the digital worker, and it is not necessary a paradigm change or a new structure for Labor Law, but rather an adaptation in its operation to cover the digital worker, maintaining the protective essence of the discipline.
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Accepted 2019-09-11
Published 2019-12-30
- Abstract 99
- PDF (Português (Portugal)) 63