Territorial Vulnerability and Accessibility to Proximity Services for Older People in the City of Valencia
Palabras clave:
Public services, Sustainable mobility, Accessibility, Senior poverty, Elderly population, ValenciaResumen
The increase in the average age of the population in Western societies is a reality that defines new parameters of coexistence as well as new social demands. In the case of the elderly, the services guarantee not only the care, in particular to the dependents, but also the company (loneliness). This article analyses the location and accessibility to these services, specifically day centres, municipal centres of activity and residences, in the city of Valencia, which is also of great interest for planning and public management. Emphasis is placed on the context of the most vulnerable neighbourhoods. The results indicate that there are clear differences according to the place of residence of the people, the public or private model of the offer and the type of transport, all of which lack social and spatial cohesion, despite the good general situation of the city.
Cómo citar
La edición electrónica de la Revista de Estudios Andaluces se ofrece en acceso abierto desde el número 28 publicado en 2011 hasta la actualidad. Las ediciones impresa y electrónica de esta Revista son editadas por la Editorial de la Universidad de Sevilla, siendo necesario citar la procedencia en cualquier reproducción parcial o total.
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