The Itinerant University of the Sea, a Platform for the Knowledge Geographic of the World Today.


  • Fermín Rodríguez-Gutiérrez Universidad de Oviedo. CeCodet y Departamento de Gª.

Palabras clave:

Training ship, knowledge and geographical, project logic, capabilities, civic convergence


The Itinerant University of the Sea was created in 2006 by the universities of Oviedo, Porto and the Naval School of Lisbon, to provide a training experience that has as its horizon to awake the mind of the young people and not sleep it, using the sea as a way and a ship of instruction as a tool in order to extend the personal skills of the participants, by applying the phrase "knowledge and adventure" as a basic descriptor of the teaching of geography. Here we explain why, how and what it does.


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Cómo citar

Rodríguez-Gutiérrez, F. (2017). The Itinerant University of the Sea, a Platform for the Knowledge Geographic of the World Today. Revista De Estudios Andaluces, (34), 33–37. Recuperado a partir de



Summary of the Articles
Recibido 2017-07-11
Aceptado 2017-07-11
Publicado 2017-07-25