Immigration and codevelopment. Approaches for the calculation of imputable wealth


  • Mónica Montaño-Garcés University of Huelva
  • Antonio José Carrero-Carrero University of Huelva
  • Juan Antonio Márquez-Domínguez University of Huelva

Palabras clave:

Immigration, Co-development, Imputable wealth, Huelva, Moguer, Lepe


Migration processes are not aseptic for territories. They significantly influence the economy and local life. From a traditional perspective, co-development has raised how migration transforms and changes the life of the sending country. However, the influence of migrants in destination countries and territories is often veiled. From this context, the article poses the challenge of analyzing the wealth attributable to immigration and showing its importance and transcendence, at a time when xenophobic currents are beginning to appear in Europe and Spain. From general approaches for Spain and Andalusia, the municipalities of Lepe and Moguer in the province of Huelva were taken as a space for exploration, where the real immigrant population exceeds 22 and 37% of the total population, makes up a large part of the active population and maintains avant-garde agriculture.


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Biografía del autor/a

Mónica Montaño-Garcés, University of Huelva

Department of Social, Developmental and Educational Psychology, Faculty of Educational Sciences

Antonio José Carrero-Carrero, University of Huelva

Department of History, Geography and Anthropology, Faculty of Humanities

Juan Antonio Márquez-Domínguez, University of Huelva

Department of History, Geography and Anthropology, Faculty of Humanities



Cómo citar

Montaño-Garcés, M. ., Carrero-Carrero, A. J. ., & Márquez-Domínguez, J. A. . (2023). Immigration and codevelopment. Approaches for the calculation of imputable wealth. Revista De Estudios Andaluces, (46), 293–294. Recuperado a partir de



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