Analysis of the vulnerability of tourism and leisure to jellyfish swarms on the eastern Costa del Sol. A multiscalar and multi-temporal perspective


  • Francisco José Cantarero-Prados Universidad de Málaga
  • Ana de la Fuente-Roselló Universidad de Málaga
  • Sergio Jesús Reyes-Corredera Universidad de Málaga


A methodological essay is presented to assess vulnerability of beaches´ human activity caused by jellyfish blooms arrivals. The pilot study area are the beaches of Torre del Mar and Caleta de Vélez (Velez-Málaga, Spain).

The methodology proposes various criteria to assess the vulnerability of the tourism sector at various levels of scale, both in spatial and temporal dimensions. There are three spatial levels: scale of detail (the beach itself), socioeconomic influence area and municipal scale. On the other hand, the short and long-term consequences are estimated at a temporary level. Fundamentally, user surveys, interviews with economic actors in the area and analysis of statistical records are used. In general, it is observed that part of the economic activity related to the beaches improves in the short term with the presence of jellyfish while in the long term it suffers.


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Cómo citar

Cantarero-Prados, F. J., de la Fuente-Roselló, A., & Reyes-Corredera, S. J. (2022). Analysis of the vulnerability of tourism and leisure to jellyfish swarms on the eastern Costa del Sol. A multiscalar and multi-temporal perspective. Revista De Estudios Andaluces, (44), 229–231. Recuperado a partir de



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