Observed and projected changes in the types of bioclimatic regimes in Argentina
Palabras clave:
Bioclimatic mapping, Climate change, Ecoregions, Physical geographyResumen
The study of the bioclimatic limits is essential in each region to know the distribution of the vegetal formations. The objective of the work was to elaborate bioclimatic maps of Argentina in three periods of time (Last Glacial Maximum, current situation and climate change scenario RCP8.5 of 2070) and analyze their changes. For this, the methodology of the types of bioclimatic regimes was applied from continuous climatic databases of WordClim. As a result, a reduction in the surface of the mesocryophilic, hypercryophilic and cryophilic thermal types was observed between the Last Glacial Maximum and the present day and the thermophile appears in the future scenario. This research is a contribution to the understanding of the distribution of vegetation on a national scale and its dynamics.
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Derechos de autor 2022 Revista de Estudios Andaluces

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