Some grammatical questions in the recipe books of “Aki Yerushalayim”
judeo-Spanish, grammar, culinary vocabularyAbstract
In the judeo-spanish, the attention has been based on essential aspects related to phonetics and vocabulary and, to a lesser extent on morphology and syntactic elements. The analysis has focused on the linguistic development of several recipes of the magazine Aki Yerushalayim, which belong to two female authors who have been in charge of the section of the one hundred numbers released: Kamelia Sahar until 1993. From that date on, Zelda Ovadía. The structure is very simple and it does not offer varieties throughout the beginning of the magazine. It is about texts with a wide variety of oral elements. They entail an important documentary source for the linguistic analysis of the Judeo-Spanish.
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Accepted 2018-12-18
Published 2018-08-22
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