Iconicity and diachrony: Ancient Greek /i-/stem





Iconicity, Diachrony, Morphosemantics, Child Language, Proper Name


The aim of this paper is to present an analysis of the Ancient Greek /i-/stem noun category from a semantic, diachronic and interlinguistic point of view, employing the main advances in categorization, phonetic iconicity, linguistic acquisition and proper name theory, focusing, unlike other precedent papers (Monzó 2016; 2017; 2019), on the role of phonetic iconicity of [i] in the historical development of the category. This approach shows, as a result, the semantic nature of Ancient Greek noun stems and suggests a close correlation between the palatal phoneme /i/ and the expression of affection in this language, which is understood as the iconic origin of the emergence of the /-i/ suffix, the main morphological feature of the category.


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Author Biography

Carlos Monzó Gallo, University of Valladolid

With a degree in Classical Philology from the Universitat de València (2006) and a PhD from the same university (2016), I have published articles in journals specialising in Greek and Indo-European and general linguistics and on authorship issues. I am also the author of several translations of Greek authors (Aristotle, Epicurus, Plato and Lucian) and since 2022 I hold a position as Assistant Professor at the University of Valladolid in the area of Greek Philology.


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How to Cite

Monzó Gallo, C. (2023). Iconicity and diachrony: Ancient Greek /i-/stem. Philologia Hispalensis, 37(1), 87–108. https://doi.org/10.12795/PH.2023.v37.i01.04



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Received 2022-06-23
Accepted 2022-11-16
Published 2023-07-28
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