The intersection of the phonetic and phonological levels in the vowels of the Eastern andalusian varieties
Andalusian varieties, vowels, phonetics, phonology, minimal pairsAbstract
Since Navarro Tomás (1939a) considered the existence of open vowels with phonological value in eastern Andalusian varieties, there have been several opinions supporting the hypothesis or otherwise denying the phonological value of the open feature, being other prosodic features or the linguistic context itself what makes it possible to distinguish pairs such as cuente/cuentes or mano/manos. This paper shows the results of a test of auditive recognition of lexical units –conforming hypothetical minimal pairs– without any context, with the aim to find out what differences of openness are distinguished by fifty informers. Considering the results, an explanation of the phenomenon will be offered, as an example of the interrelation of phonetics and phonology.
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