Code-switching according to the communication theory: theoretical-practical analysis using a case from the ESLORA corpus




code-switching, bilingualism, pragmatics, communication theory, Galician Spanish


In this article we analyse the methodological and epistemological relevance of the concept of code-switching (CS) according to Communication Theory, focusing on the notion proposed by Álvarez Cáccamo. In the first place, we analyse the historical development of CS bound to Pragmatics. In the second place, we offer a critical approach to the definition of CS according to Álvarez Cáccamo. Finally, we analyse the methodological and epistemological relevance of this definition using one case from the ESLORA corpus. In the conclusions we offer information about the speculative and arbitrary nature of this notion, focusing on the necessity to reconsider its basis and practical application.


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Fuentes documentales

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How to Cite

Atanes Barciela, L. X. (2022). Code-switching according to the communication theory: theoretical-practical analysis using a case from the ESLORA corpus. Philologia Hispalensis, 36(1), 27–50.
Received 2021-05-31
Accepted 2021-07-15
Published 2022-12-12
  • Abstract 262
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