La lexicografía plurilingüe inglesa en los siglos XVI y XVII: los diccionarios de James Howell


  • Francisco Javier Sánchez Escribano



James Howell, Lexicon Tetraglotton, Nomenclature.


In this article we study the development of English lexicography in the 16th and 17th centuries and its relation with Spanish, French and Italian, especially the former. I have taken as an example James Howell’s multilingual dictionaries because they are a good example of how these dictionaries were made out, sometimes taking bilingual dictionaries as the starting point. I consider that his Lexicon Tetraglotton must be taken with caution because his contribution with new words is not important; but his Nomenclature is a dictionary that deserves the attention of lexicographers.


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How to Cite

Sánchez Escribano, F. J. (2008). La lexicografía plurilingüe inglesa en los siglos XVI y XVII: los diccionarios de James Howell. Philologia Hispalensis, 22(1).



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