Beliefs and attitudes of university students from málaga towards andalusian variety




Andalusian, linguistic attitude, sociolinguistics, stereotypes, dialectology


The beliefs and attitudes of the speakers towards the linguistic varieties condition the linguistic uses in a very relevant way. Our objective is to know the perceptions of Malaga university students about the Andalusian variety. We assume the methodology of the PRECAVES XXI Project whose purpose is to know the attitudes and beliefs towards the normative varieties of Spanish. The three varieties most recognized by our informants (N = 206) were River Plate, Castilian and Andalusian varieties. Despite evaluating the own variety, the results show that the Andalusian is strongly stigmatized: it turns out to be the least educated, intelligible and educated variety of all those shown and it is related to people with the worst level of education of all the listeners heard. Furthermore, the use of this variety is also not associated with highly qualified professionals. These results could be relevant in the identity and educational fields, where the equitable valuation of linguistic varieties should continue to be promoted.


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Author Biographies

Inmaculada Clotilde Santos Díaz, University of Malaga

Associate Professor in the Department of Language and Literature Didactics at the University of Malaga.

Provincial Coordinator of Educational Publications of the Territorial Delegation of Education, Sport, Equality, Social Policies and Conciliation in Malaga of the Andalusian Regional Government.

Antonio Manuel Ávila Muñoz, University of Malaga

Lecturer in General Linguistics at the University of Málaga


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How to Cite

Santos Díaz, I. C., & Ávila Muñoz, A. M. (2021). Beliefs and attitudes of university students from málaga towards andalusian variety. Philologia Hispalensis, 35(1), 171–191.
Received 2020-06-08
Accepted 2021-07-30
Published 2021-12-21
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