Adaptation of iconography to new realities. The case of the choir of the church os Saint Thomas in New York




Movable property , Profane and religious iconography, St. Thomas Church, New York, Choir stalls, 1918


With this article, we want to highlight the importance that religious and secular iconography has had in the decoration of movable property throughout history. To achieve our objectives we are going to focus on the neo-Gothic choir stalls of the Church of Saint Thomas in New York, located on 5th Avenue. In this church, religious and profane iconography intermingle, adapting, in religious furniture, to the new realities, discoveries and events of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. This study allows us to expose some historical falsehoods, not only in the city itself, but also with some specific examples in the Iberian Peninsula and France.


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Received 2023-12-18
Accepted 2024-03-14
Published 2024-10-06