


avant-garde, Quino, abstract painting, geometric painting, postmodernity


In the late Seventies and early Eigthies of the 20th century, Joaquín González Quino produced a series of works –most of them technical collographs– in which he resolved urban or semi-rural perspectives through geometrically synthetic planes connected with the help of superpositions and juxtapositions.
With them, he started an alternative plan to the painting of his day. The old textures of the collographs, authentic bas-reliefs with woods fitted together and organic materials that provide complex and dense surfaces, now correspond to such a delicate treatment of the planes. These simplified and minimal planes, both in the superficial demarcation and their physical nature, become known through the established relations as a whole. This is not only determining but also an indispensable ally to keep essential reference to visual reality. This New Geometry is the work of a mature and creative artist who initiated an own and innovative line in the art of his day, as it happens with the good painting, with the true art, capable of resisting the passing of decades and the mentalities that created it, and able to show itself impetuously on the intellective sphere of the current art. This, Quino, is an unquestionable reference, an artist with personality and own point of view, who is already imitated by young artists interested in soul rising through painting.


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