



Valdés Leal, oil sketches, smal-format paintings, artistic style, artistic personality


The present article considers the expression of the artistic individuality of Juan de Valdés Leal (1622-1690) in terms of his paint handling, with particular reference to his oil sketches and works in a small format. The problem of distinguishing the two categories of picture is discussed with relevant examples. Valdés Leal’s innovative creation of a genre of small-format religious allegory is highlighted. His Jesuit connections led to a consideration of a projected ecclesiastical career for his son, Lucas Gregorio Valdés (1661-1725) and this is discussed in relation to the church careers of the sons of Murillo, José Murillo (1650-1679) and Gaspar Esteban Murillo (1661-1709). Finally, an examination of the early historiography of Valdés Leal’s character and non-conformist style of painting raises the possibility that he deliberately set out to create an artistic persona as a unique genius.


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