Commemorative Urban Practices and Gender Equality: The Case of Santiago de Compostela City’s Urban Toponymy


  • María Novas Ferradás Universidad de Sevilla


Palabras clave:

igualdad, feminismo, género, calles, toponimia, mujeres.


For centuries, decision-making procedures in commemorative urban practices have established a methodology of recognition relying on an androcentric process which has implied closing and exclusion mechanisms. Structures of economic and cultural dominating power favoured the particular interests of a privileged minority, penalizing, limiting and constraining the inclusion and visibility of a wide and plural range of human beings, mainly women. This bias was historically questioned by feminist theory and gender mainstreaming policies, which focuses on how different gender gap affects women to improve justice, progress and dignity standard of all people in different territories. Through the study of Santiago de Compostela’s urban toponymy, we will discuss how differences between social groups still persist, discussing, if applicable, how to produce effective changes that potentially resolve inequality situations.

Other forms of imagination and resistance can emerge at a symbolic level, also, in the way of the streets of our cities are named.


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Biografía del autor/a

María Novas Ferradás, Universidad de Sevilla

María Novas completed a Degree in Architecture at the Universidade da Coruña (2011). She continued her training with the Master’s Degree in Restoration and Urban Regeneration (USC, 2013) and at the Master’s Degree in Applied Research in Feminist, Gender and Citizenship Studies (UJI, 2014). Currently, she is a PhD Candidate at the PhD Program in Architecture of the Universidad de Sevilla and a Guest Researcher in the Department of Architecture in the Technische Universiteit Delft, The Netherlands.


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Cómo citar

Novas Ferradás, M. (2018). Commemorative Urban Practices and Gender Equality: The Case of Santiago de Compostela City’s Urban Toponymy. Hábitat Y Sociedad, (11).
Recibido 2018-03-28
Aceptado 2018-07-20
Publicado 2018-11-08
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