
  • Víctor Silva Echeto Universidad de Sevilla



frontera, cultura, identidad


Since Iuri Lotman gave importance to the border of the semiosphere, as a filter that separated the extra-semiotic from the intra-semiotic universe, many changes have occurred in cultures, and the nomadic wandering of immigrants, artists, businessmen or gangsters, have destabilized the limits from which the relations between different sign universes could be drawn. These are moments in which the exchanges of people and cultural goods make the limits of the borders porous, tracing for some authors, "invisible borders" (Méndez Rubio), "border epistemologies" or "thoughts of the borders" (Mignolo), while that, for others, those conceptions can be grouped in the Third Spaces (Bhabha), the transculturation (Ortiz) or the creolization (Glissant) of the contemporary world. From these enunciative spaces the subaltern cultures of the South, in this case of Europe, Africa or Latin America, destabilize the North or the supposed centers of power. Nor should we ignore, in this context, the positions that indicate that contemporary hybridization does not allow us to speak more about borders (Silva, Hardt and Negri), however porous their limits may be considered.


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How to Cite

Silva Echeto, V. (2005). THE MEDIA, BORDERS AND FEMINISMS. International Journal of Cultures and Literatures, (1), 85–95.



Artículos español
Received 2019-02-04
Accepted 2019-02-04
Published 2005-04-09
  • Abstract 214
  • PDF (Español (España)) 65