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No. 66

Phenomenology of the hygiene: Dignity and Self-control

May 26, 2022
2022-12-30 — Updated on 2023-01-24


The main thesis developed in this paper is that hygiene is a protoaxiological structure where the ego of the will is born. The genesis of the self lies within the hygiene as a primal embodied will of self-control. I try to expose that the instauration of self-control as a concrete value of the ego –in agreement with a free ego– lies within the core of what we recognize as ‘hygienic guideline’, or first socialized mode of the impulse. I develop these arguments in three moments corresponding to constitutive analyzes in Ideas II by Husserl: first, I describe the living and lived materiality of the body within the limits of the impulsivity on which the self-control is grounded as a value, theme exposed in the second section. Finally, I explore the relationship between hygiene and dignity, namely, the way in which the possibilities of self-control accomplishment determine the constitution of the self-value of the human person.


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