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No. 60

Anthropology of Sin, Death and Spirits

October 17, 2019


Abstract intelligence and the term assigned to it, spirit, appear in the Chalcolithic. The theoretical elaboration of the notion of spirit and the understanding that is reached of it, is produced at the same time as the understanding and the theoretical elaboration of the death and the sin, also in that period.

Sin is the act of the spirit that produces death. Death allows us to differentiate between beings that succumb to time and are finite and bodily, and those that do not succumb to time and are eternal and spiritual.

At the beginning of the 21st century, when artificial organisms and artificial intelligence are part of the everyday world, the analysis of the way in which man is spiritual, and the way in which he is mortal, and the reflection on the occult sciences, can favor the understanding of what is life, intelligence, spirit, death, immortality and eternity.

The old interpretations of the origin of death, of the supratemporal status of the spirit, and of the various types of spirit, now appear as a new source of understanding.


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