Portada el Número 8, 2022. Obra de Jesús Algovi
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Arte Criptográfico
Tokens no fungibles
Sistema Blockchain
Cibercultura Cryptographic Art
Non-Fungible Tokens
Blockchain System

How to Cite

López Castillo, C. (2022). CRYPTOGRAPHIC ART SURROUNDS OUR TECHNOLOGICAL SOCIETY. El Pájaro De Benín, (8), 127–134.
  • Abstract 153
  • DESCARGA PDF (Español (España)) 95


Cryptographic works originate in a social context where art and technology merge into a single artistic reality generating digital, virtual compositions supported by the social identity of our citizenship in the XXI century. Consequently, cryptographic artists digress in this new artistic sector to find compositional freedom and entrepreneurial autonomy associated with their artistic productions.

This aesthetic reality is unleashed behind a new artistic movement labeled as Cryptographic Art. Citizens experience a remarkable change in the appreciation, awareness and reflection of the compositional aspects of our world. Therefore, it triggers this new social reality in a new globalized artistic expression.
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