The Max Ernst, Yves Tanguy and Óscar Domínguez’s artwork has, primary, with differences between us. However, those artists of the firstly avant-gardes has some similarities tracked in other approaches that they’re beyond of the formal element. For give a support to this affirmation, it will analyse in every case the artistic developing that they have with the end to arrive how it understand the artistic relation between us before, during and before the decade of 30 of 20th. Moments when they’re in the surrealist movement. So, it will appreciated who it has a great poetical sense between us, in addition of some particulars
symbolic, perceptual and imaginative that they enter in the condition and interests of every artist. In this way, it will encompass a theorical-artistic analysis focusing in the realistic and conceptual look that it don’t be link with these affirmation that the historiography does.
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