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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published or considered by any other journal (or an explanation has been provided in comments to the editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF format
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographical requirements outlined in the PUBLICATION STANDARDS

Author Guidelines

Presentation and admission of originals

1. Only articles on Contemporary Art, Artistic Vanguards and Latest Trends will be accepted.

2. Articles submitted for publication in El Pajaro de Benín must be unpublished and not be subject to evaluation in any other journal.

3. The articles will have a minimum length of twelve pages and a maximum of forty, with justified exceptions, including photographs in the place estimated by the author, with the corresponding caption.

4. All articles will bear the title in Spanish and in another language of free choice, and below the name of the authors (three maximum), with the name of the scientific institution to which they belong.

5. Before the beginning of the text, they must include a summary and at least five keywords, in Spanish and in the same language chosen for the title.

6. The deadline for receiving the articles will be October 15.

7. All articles received will undergo an evaluation process through the blind peer system, as an essential requirement for acceptance. The results of the evaluation will be communicated to the authors, through the Secretariat of the journal, through a reasoned report.

8. The works must be written in Spanish, although the editorial board will consider the inclusion of texts in other languages.

9. All works must meet the following characteristics:

- The works will have a DIN-A4 format, written in Times New Roman, size 12, line spacing of 1.5 and justified to the margins. The footnotes will have size 10, with single line spacing, and justified to the margins.

10. Footnotes will be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals, also adjusting to the following rules:

- Surnames in capital letters, name in lowercase: title of the work. Place, publisher, date of issue, reference pages. Example:

DÍAZ-URMENETA, Juan Bosco: Joaquín Sáenz. Sevilla, Excma. Diputación Provincial, 2015, Pág. 43.

- Book chapters: Surnames in capital letters, name in lowercase: chapter title in quotation marks. In book title. Place, publisher, date of issue, reference pages. Example:

MARTÍN MARTÍN, Fernando: “Notas sobre la creación contemporánea en Sevilla”. En Pintores de Sevilla, 1952-1992. Sevilla, Comisaría para la Exposición Universal de 1992, Págs. 51-55.

- Articles: Surnames in capital letters, name in lowercase: title of the article in quotation marks. In magazine title, magazine number, place, publisher, date of issue, reference pages. Example:

LUQUE TERUEL, Andrés: “La primera indagación cubista de Picasso: Espacio interior I, II y III (Horta de Sant Joan y Barcelona, 1898-99). En Boletín de Arte. Málaga, Universidad de Málaga, 2014, Págs. 187-205.

- Documentary sources: The abbreviated abbreviations will be used in the first citation in parentheses.

- Web addresses: It must be complete and with the day of the query in parentheses.

- If the reference to a previously cited work is repeated, the abbreviated model (Op. Cit. pp.) will be used after the title of the book, book chapter or article.

- If citations of texts longer than three lines are included in the writing, they must appear in the same font and size and in italics.- The maximum number of images will be ten. These images must have sufficient quality to allow optimal reproduction, and must be delivered in digital format. The photographs must be numbered consecutively and contain calls in the texts, with the following format: (Figure 1).

- The photo caption must be brief, containing the essential references to the title of the work, author, chronology, and location. The authors of the works are exclusively responsible for the rights of the reproduction of the images.

11. The possible opinions or currents defended reflected in the articles will be the sole and exclusive responsibility of their authors, and not of the journal.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.