The origins of the denial of three-dimensional space in contemporary figurative pictorial representation
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representación pictórica
cuarta dimensión
pintura figurativa
siglos XIX – XX
a – referencialidad pictorial representation
fourth dimension
figurative painting
19th and 20th Centuries
non – referential.

How to Cite

Soriano Colchero, J. A. (2021). The origins of the denial of three-dimensional space in contemporary figurative pictorial representation. Fedro, Revista De Estética Y Teoría De Las Artes, (21), 125–138.
  • Abstract 349
  • PDF (Español (España)) 70


The aim of this article is to analyse the fundamental theories which established a paradigm shift in the contemporary pictorial representation between the 19th century and the 20th century. Naturalism and the hegemony of mathematic perspective from its origins in the Renaissance period were displaced by several pictorial values based on a great range of different theories. The value on empirical analysis of light and colour, as well as the new theories about the presumption in favour of the reality of the fourth dimension, were represented in painting, scientific literature and philosophical literature from the 18th century onwards, which sets up new possibilities of representation of space in painting in a specific way: non-referential. We conclude analysing a specific typical case: Magritte’s artworks, in which the principles of perspective are employed to evidence the artificiality and conventionalism of the system of representation.
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Copyright (c) 2021 José Antonio Soriano Colchero


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