The void and the real in the photo-cinematic image. The case of Marguerite Duras.
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Hoyos Morales, A. (2021). The void and the real in the photo-cinematic image. The case of Marguerite Duras. Fedro, Revista De Estética Y Teoría De Las Artes, (21), 92–108.
  • Abstract 449
  • PDF (Español (España)) 107


The means of technical reproduction, both photography and cinema, have been characterized by their mimetic superiority when it comes to capturing reality. However, this has led many of the theories of these media to engage in a kind of dialectic as to whether or not the photographic representation is true. From a phenomenological perspective, we will try to rescue a concept of truth from the photographic record that is not necessarily linked to its empirical dimension, that is, to its pure positivity in capturing its referent. With this, photographic reproduction will allow us to reflect on our own access to reality in which voids and absences are equally constitutive of it. Marguerite Duras's film L'homme atlantique provides us with a case study to reflect on this importance
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Copyright (c) 2021 Alfonso Hoyos Morales


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