Cross-border teleworking and social security: problematic connection




Telework, Competent State, State of residence, Covid, Framework Agreement on the application of Article 16 (1) of Regulation 883/2004


The author examines the new forms of work, especially cross-border teleworking, which have developed since the COVID epidemic, and recalls the problem of determining the applicable legislation on Social Security, especially for more than a million and a half border workers who had to become teleworkers with the pandemic. He explains how at all times the authorities tried to maintain the status quo in the field of Social Security to avoid administrative chaos that could be caused by the substantial change in the situation of extra-border workers who until the advent of the Pandemic were contributing in the State of employment and that subsequently,

to exercise as teleworkers from home, could be transferred to the Social Security of the State of residence.He also analyzes the Framework Agreement on the Application of article 16(1) of Regulation (EC) 883/2004. Finally, he presents a series of recommendations to prevent cross-border teleworking from slowing down as a result of an overly conservative application of the conflict rules of Social Security coordination by the States and the European Institutions.


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How to Cite

García de Cortázar y Nebreda, C. (2024). Cross-border teleworking and social security: problematic connection. E-International Review on Social Protection, 9(1), 12–32.



Received 2024-05-08
Accepted 2024-06-01
Published 2024-06-28
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