Rural livelihoods, poverty and social protection in a former Soviet country, Kyrgyzstan




Medios de vida rurales, Migración, Tendencias de pobreza, Financiación de políticas sociales, Programas antipobreza


In Kyrgyzstan, many rural families have tried to escape poverty by migrating to urban centres within the country or abroad. Although the poverty rate has tended to decline over the course of this century, it has recently increased significantly, mainly due to the COVID pandemic and its aftermath. A few years after independence from the USSR (1991), the national government reintroduced a model of social protection, albeit less generous than that of the Soviet era. With some partial reforms, this model has been maintained until today. Its effectiveness seems insufficient, especially the non-contributory component, which supports poor rural and urban families. The situation of the latter is aggravated by the limited scope and coverage of free public health services. Despite tight national budget margins, fiscal space could be created to refinance some national priorities. These include the social protection system. However, this system should also be redesigned to become more progressive and poverty-oriented.


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How to Cite

Aguirre Unceta, R. (2024). Rural livelihoods, poverty and social protection in a former Soviet country, Kyrgyzstan. E-International Review on Social Protection, 9(1), 132–151.



Received 2024-03-30
Accepted 2024-06-04
Published 2024-06-28
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