The labor principle according to which “work is not merchandise”: between reality and fiction




Capitalism, Work, Merchandise, Fictions


The article addresses one of the principles of Labor Law, the one that refers to the fact that work is not merchandise. The article, in which the bibliographic review is adopted as a methodology, analyzes the adherence of this principle to reality and its relevance lies in the need to investigate whether the rights guaranteed to workers by the legal order prevent that work is subjected to the condition of merchandise. The conclusion reached is that, in the capitalist production system, work is reduced to the condition of merchandise, that is, that labor-merchandise corresponds to capitalism, which leads to the verification that the principle

according to which work is not merchandise corresponds to reality only when it refers to the essence of work, but not when it is carried out under the conditions of the capitalist production system.


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Author Biography

Cleber Lúcio de Almeida, Catholic University of Minas Gerais

Professor in the Postgraduate and Undergraduate Programmes at the Pontifícia. Catholic University of Minas Gerais


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How to Cite

de Almeida, C. L. ., & Almeida, W. G. R. de. (2023). The labor principle according to which “work is not merchandise”: between reality and fiction. E-International Review on Social Protection, 8(2), 190–203.



Received 2023-08-10
Accepted 2023-09-13
Published 2023-12-27
  • Abstract 67
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