Health care for foreigners on the occasion of the COVID 19: comparative analysis with special reference to the border situation of Ceuta




Healthcare, Covid-19, Cross-border people, International cooperation, Social protection


The management of the pandemic at a global level has required intervention policies in all areas to provide a coherent response that includes the cross-border coordination.

This work aims to analyze what has been the impact that Covid-19 measures have had on the border areas of Spain, especially those of Ceuta with Morocco, Extremadura with Portugal and Fuenterrabía, the Pyrenees and Andorra with France. For its part, it is also intended to compare how healthcare has been provided to cross-border workers, as well as observing how this assistance has varied in the different health services of Ceuta in which they were treated.

Social policies must guarantee the in fact rights of migrants in situations of special vulnerability, as well as responding to the principles of equality and universality to its access, so that the bases that regulate it must be reformulated and strengthen its stability.


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Author Biographies

Samra Mohamed Alami, National University of Distance Education - Ceuta. National Institute of Health Management - Ceuta

Graduate in Social Work. National University of Distance Education - Ceuta

Technician in Auxiliary Nursing Care. National Institute of Health Management - Ceuta

Fatima Hamed Buzzian , National University of Distance Education - Ceuta

Graduate in Social Work. National University of Distance Education - Ceuta
Graduate in Legal Sciences. Ceuta Bar Association


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How to Cite

Mohamed Alami, S., & Hamed Buzzian , F. (2023). Health care for foreigners on the occasion of the COVID 19: comparative analysis with special reference to the border situation of Ceuta. E-International Review on Social Protection, 8(1), 233–248.



Received 2023-03-09
Accepted 2023-06-06
Published 2023-06-29
  • Abstract 105
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