The dialectic of economic freedom and social rights in the industry 5.0 framework




Tension between the social and the economic, Atypical forms of the employment contract, Agenda 2030, Decent work, Industry 5.0


Labor law experiences a fracture resulting from economic and social changes. Technology has strongly impacted labor relations and focused incisively on the movement of workers and their aspirations and expectations that no longer be linked to the traditional employment contract. The current configurations of companies must take into account the human being and must have objectives that go beyond profit, being essential that they play a fundamental role in social development and improvement of the quality of life of the worker, regardless of the nature of the contractual bond that establishes with him. It is absolutely necessary that labor law can enable the interaction and dialogue between the social and the economic. The essence of labor law is to approach the working class and employer regardless of the degree of subordination or independence that characterizes the work relationship. The time has come to critically look at the facts that have caused the crack of labor law and build a science of approximation and not of remoteness between the parties of the employment contract, in importing the nature of the bond they maintain. The technology should allow this approach and be applied to improve the human condition.


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Author Biography

Thereza Christina Nahas, Escuela Judicial de Sao Paulo y ParanáCentro de Postgrado de la PUC/SP

  • Doctora en Derecho Internacional por la UCLM y en Derecho del Trabajo por la PUC/SP, Jueza Laboral, investigadora y Profesora
  • (curriculo completo:


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How to Cite

Nahas, T. C. (2023). The dialectic of economic freedom and social rights in the industry 5.0 framework. E-International Review on Social Protection, 8(1), 89–113.



Received 2023-02-06
Accepted 2023-03-12
Published 2023-06-29
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