Socio-labour dimension of transatlantic trade relations: some lessons from the past
Transatlantic trade relations, WTO, Posting of workers, Non-tariff barriers (NTBs), Free tradeAbstract
At the EU-US summit on June 15, 2021, the European Union and the United States made a joint statement announcing a renewed transatlantic partnership for the post-pandemic era. Therefore, at a time when trade negotiations between the EU and the US are being strengthened, it is worth analyzing how far they come in the negotiations of the Transatlantic Agreement on Trade and Investment, within the framework of the WTO, particularly in relation to the most controversial aspects from the social perspective. This includes a comparative analysis specifically focused on the treatment of the posting of workers in the GATS and in Directive 96/71/EC. This will allow us to determine in the future the differences and similarities with the negotiating process that is now beginning; with the hope that the lessons learned from the previous process will serve to relaunch trade relations between the two blocs towards much more social levels and towards a fairer environmental transition.
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