The effects of the Brexit on social security coordination: from the preferential regime under the Withdrawal Agreement to the limited coordination under the Trade and Cooperation Agreement


  • Ángela Martín-Pozuelo López University of Valencia



Brexit, Coordination, Social security, Withdrawal Agreement, Trade and Cooperation Agreement


Brexit has generated great expectations in many areas, including the regulatory one. The negotiation process has been arduous, but, finally, United Kingdom and the European Union have managed to reach two agreements: one to regulate their relations, on a temporary basis (the Withdrawal Agreement); and another one to govern their long-term relationships (the Trade and Cooperation Agreement). Both documents include provisions on Social Security coordination, but in a very different way, that is why they need to be studied separately. The aim of this text is to expose the bases of Brexit and how they have been incorporated in these agreements, especially in the Trade and Cooperation Agreement. Likewise, the main characteristics of Social Security coordination under each of these Agreements will be presented briefly.


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Author Biography

Ángela Martín-Pozuelo López, University of Valencia

Postdoctoral Researcher (Atracció de Talent) at the Department of Labor and Social Security Law


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How to Cite

Martín-Pozuelo López, Ángela. (2021). The effects of the Brexit on social security coordination: from the preferential regime under the Withdrawal Agreement to the limited coordination under the Trade and Cooperation Agreement. E-International Review on Social Protection, 6(2), 79–100.



Received 2021-10-28
Accepted 2021-11-14
Published 2021-12-31
  • Abstract 291
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