The framing of the heart attack as a work accident in teleworking




Work accident, Heart attack, Teleworking, Labour presumption, Teleworking person


In this work, it is carried out an analysis of the work accident in the modality of teleworking services, especially when it is a heart attack. For this, it is realized an analysis of the elements that configure the concept of work accident, a legal figure of eminently jurisprudential and judicial construction, to later analyze the constitutive parameters of the heart attack as a work accident, and its possibility of framing it in the field of teleworking, as the LTD has not been able to offer a solution to these legal conflicts.


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Author Biography

Raquel Poquet Catalá, University of Valencia

Associate Professor of Labor and Social Security Law


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How to Cite

Poquet Catalá, R. (2021). The framing of the heart attack as a work accident in teleworking. E-International Review on Social Protection, 6(2), 155–178.



Received 2021-09-01
Accepted 2021-11-14
Published 2021-12-31
  • Abstract 322
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