Employability; Informality of employment; Permanent learning; Future of the work; OILAbstract
Splitting of the Statement of the Centenary of the OIT on the “future of the Work” (2019), of the Recommendation 195 of the OIT on the Development of Human Resources (2004), of the Recommendation 204 on Transition of the informal work for the formal work (2015), of the Report on Women and Men in the Informal Economy (2018) and statistical used for this rule, this article analyses of critical form the relation between the formal and informal work of the point of view of the employability and of the permanent learning required at present in the skilled literature, to find the underlying profile of the “industrial army of reservation” that it needs capitalism in the future of the work of the fourth industrial revolution.
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Accepted 2020-12-16
Published 2020-12-29
- Abstract 488
- pdf (Español (España)) 302