Rubens' «Palaces of Genoa» and Alessi's Architecture
Peter Paul Rubens, Palazzi di Genova, Galeazzo Alessi, GenoaAbstract
The Palazzi di Genova is in many ways a dual book, almost a book containing two. First of all, it is the product of two editions, a first from 1622, and a second in an augmented form. In addition, the book contains two types of representations of Genoese palaces: a first, more accurate type, with many plans, sections, and elevations, but with no indication of the ownership of the palaces; a second, less accurate type, often reduced to an elevation and two plans, but with the names of the owners.
The Palazzi di Genova is a complex and anomalous book: it inevitably fits among the architectural treatises by subject, but it differs from them both because it consists almost exclusively of drawings and because they are all drawings of contemporary buildings and of a single city; it is an architectural book made by a painter; moreover, it uses only orthogonal projections without even a perspective; and finally, although Peter Paul Rubens is its implied author, his name doesn't appears on the title page.
The particularities of Palazzi di Genova are at the origin of both the fascination and the questions that this book raises. This essay starts by rereading the existing bibliography to understand the established acquisitions and hypothesize new avenues of research on the questions that remain open . Finally, it focuses on the preparatory drawings of the first part of the work, in which it proposes to recognize architectural ideas derived from Galeazzo Alessi's work.
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